Looking Out - Looking In (2021)
14 x Archival Inkjet Print on Canson Rag Photographique (21 x 30)
Airspace Gallery - 'Two Mirrors' w / Dean Qiulin Li, June 2-18 (2023)​​​​​​​
Jazz (2020 - Current)
78 x Inkjet Prints (6 x 4)
Goodspace Gallery - Back In The Crowd, May (2022)
Kalyx Culture Launch, Sep (2022)

"And that's how I found these lovely people and this buzzing room. A love unfolds a brand-new bloom."​​​​​​​
A Glimpse of God (2021)
18 x Black and White 35mm images
Gel Mag, 'Fear' - Second Edition, May (2021)
Self-Published 54 Page Book, July (2021) 
"A state of unconsciousness, lost in our own world of fear and fantasy. It's as if life seemingly moves away from reality."